Pod Search Live

Jun 16 2017 3:02PM
As part of our ongoing Environmental Policy, we are delighted to introduce our online POD system EPOD.
With "easy search" facilities by Date, Your Reference, DSS Reference and Delivery Location on all POD's over the previous 12 months, you will never have to wait for your paperwork to be sent back to you again.
In addition there is an e-mail facility direct from the POD screen. How many times have your clients asked for a POD, now you can access, view and then send the POD all in a matter of seconds, again saving you time and effort along with providing your clients with a fast track service for their paperwork.
This is a free service and is set up automatically upon opening your account. We set the initial password for you, but should you wish to use your own you can drop us an e-mail with your combination of letters and numbers and we will apply this overnight to your account.
For additional information or an on site demonstration of our service,
please feel free to call or e-mail
Rob Tann
at our Head Office
on 01159 762644